Tuesday, May 19, 2015


This movie… I hate it. Maybe the reason I hate it could be contributed to the fact that ignorance is bliss and people don’t like to think about things that they know occur in the world but are depressing. I will admit I don’t like thinking about the people who are abused and go through a life similar to the one depicted in this movie. I do think though, that movies like this help start conversation and get people thinking about the state of the world that they live it. It begins a movement. Hopefully this movie and movies like it made people begin to be aware of the quality of life that some people are just existing in, and maybe there were a lot of advances made because of this awareness. I think my biggest thought that may have been sparked from this film so far is that I don’t understand why people have babies when they have no means of providing for them. (I know that the main character didn’t choose to have the baby, so my statement literally is for real life situations where people can hardly provide for themselves but still have children.) Think of the Octomom. She was not really even able to provide for herself then suddenly she had so many mouths to feed it was almost a fictional story. She was on welfare before so imagine her life now. Anyway, I totally understand why the main character tries to escape through her day dreams. Anytime that I wanted to escape I would read, but she can’t and resorts to her powerful imagination. It is amazing how humans cope with such frustrating and impossible situations. In the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”

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